![]() "Key words: Patience, assessment, outcome, alternatives" "You've put much energy into creating and attracting the relationships you desire and are eager to see the positive results. Patience is needed, however. Reshaping attitudes and beliefs takes time. Refining yourself so that you'll attract just the right person is a process. If you find yourself becoming frustrated at the apparent lack of visible change, step back and focus on something other than your relationships for a while. When you're feeling more detached, you'll be in a better position to notice any improvements. If you've invested enough time, then take a moment to evaluate your progress. Are your efforts bearing fruit? Are you seeing the desired changes in your interactions with others? If yes, excellent -- carry on! Look for alternative strategies to effect the change you desire. What works with one person may not work with another. When working on yourself, be sure that you're being true to who you are and not simply following society's "formula" for relationships." The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland
"Key words: Act, direct, master, discipline, focus, effort
Now is the time to be proactive regarding matters of the heart. If you're looking for a relationship, take the initiative to find one. Take advantage of the many ways to meet your soul mate. This card is about action, action, action! If your current relationship is not moving in the direction you wish, do whatever is required to shift the direction. You're the master of your own destiny -- and that includes your relationships. Don't wait for others to make the first move or set the tone of the relationship. Take charge! Creating and sustaining a good relationship requires discipline. It's not enough to be "in" a relationship -- you must "invest" in it as well. Be present in and focus on the relationship. Give every relationship the opportunity and time that it needs and deserves to flourish and grow. Now is the time to focus on your needs and the needs of your partner. Make the effort to maintain healthy boundaries for yourself and to respect the boundaries of others. While rewarding relationships require effort, there must be a balanced effort from both partners. Perhaps it's time to examine yor relationships. Are both parnters putting forth equal effort to make the relationship work? Are you comfortable with the amount of effort your relationships require of you? If any relationship feels draining or it's "not worth the effort," then perhaps it's time to move on. Affirmation: I take charge of my relationships Traditional tarot archetype: Chariot" The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland "Key words: Enthusiasm, initiative, grounding, creativity
Strong energies for success are around you, as new opportunities are opening up. Tap into this energy to fire up your relationships and bring you all that you desire regarding matters of the heart. Call down the Divine Flame to ignite your passion and show you the way to achieve your deepest wishes. Don't wait for the other person to make a move. Take the initiative! Be bold! Now is not the time for the status quo. Use this beautiful, fiery energy to explore new possibilities! How can you spice up current relationships? How about learning a new skill with your friend or taking the family on a special vacation? If you're looking for a new relationship, think creatively and try new ways of meeting someone. Step out of your comfort zone, and be a little daring! The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland "Key words: Confidence, achievement, inspiration, recognition
Faith is powerful and can bring about amazing results. It's important at this time to believe in yourself and in your aspirations regarding love. Think and act as if all that you desire is inevitable! Your confidence will send a signal to the Universe that you are ready to have that perfect relationship with a spouse, partner, parent, sibling, child, or friend. The energies of success are around you. Use them to achieve your dreams! A lighthouse shines its light as a beacon to passing ships. To help them navigate surrounding waters. At this time, you can be a beacon to others. By acting confidently and being victorious, you can inspire your loved ones to reach out for what they desire. Recognize your power to affect people in positive ways. Congratulate yourself for this ability, and honor that same ability in others." The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland ![]() "The first of the Spirit cards signifies that this is the time to let your soul soar! New beginnings, ideas, revelations, and exciting adventures await you in your personal or business life. Creative endeavors, enthusiasm, positive energy, and a renewed spiritual strength are at an all-time high. The powerful force of spirit is flowing through you, and with it comes a new sense of purpose. Be all that you can be, reach inside, and tap into that force. Use it to move forward and set up a strong foundation for the future. Other people may feel your excitement and joy and begin to benefit from the spark of life that's emanating from you. They'll wonder, "What's your secret?" And your energy could even ignite their own spiritual journey. Follow your intuition, but know that this is your time to spread your wings and fly!' The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland ![]() "Key Facts: Color: Blue Sound: Ham Element: Sound Gland: Thyroid Key Words: "I speak" Located in the throat area, this chakra is associated with communication, sound, creativity, and the ability of clairaudience (inner hearing). Many artists, speakers, writers, singers, and others in the creative arts have active Throat Chakras. To activate this chakra, use your voice in some way. Sing, chant, hum, laugh -- make some noise! Energizing this chakra helps you speak your truth in a clear and kind manner, improving your relationships and increasing your sense of well-being." The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland "Key words: Forgive, offer, receive, serenity, hope, inspiration
A peaceful, healing energy surrounds you right now. This is an ideal time to bring healing to your relationships and realize your hopes and dreams. This card could be presenting itself to ask you: "Isn't it time for forgiveness?" Understand that no human being can ever be perfect. By accepting this, you're in a position to forgive yourself and those with whom you're involved. Forgive freely and without reservations, as blame and resentment are heavy weights to bear. By forgiving, you'll feel a weight lifted from your shoulders and become enveloped by deep serenity. You'll also give the gift of serenity to the other person. Don't just offer forgiveness -- also offer your love and thoughtful insight. Open nonjudgmental dialogues with others, sharing what you've learned and how you've grown. By doing so, you'll be encouraging others to practice forgiveness. With hope for the future, relationships can blossom. Please know, too, that by forgiving yourself and embracing a hopeful spirit, you also invite new relationships into your life. At the same time, be willing to receive the blessings that others have to offer you. Be open to their insights and guidance. Listen objectively to what others have to say and act upon that guidance if it feels right for you. Be receptive to Divine inspiration as well. It surrounds you at this time. Heal yourself, heal your relationships, and be at peace. Affirmation: I offer and accept healing in my relationships, and I am at peace. Traditional tarot archetype: Star" The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland ![]() "Key words: Restricted, obstacles, powerless, action While the title of this card may sound bleak, don't let it scare you. This card arrives as a wake-up call to adjust your thinking about a situation or relationship. You may feel obstacles have been placed in your way, preventing you from achieving your dreams around love. You may think that your situation is beyond hope and that you are powerless to improve it. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. All that is required is a willingness to take action. Assess your current state of affairs, and decide what needs to change. Then take decisive steps to make those changes and move yourself into a position of empowerment. By taking action, you take charge of the situation. Feel the power in that! Recognize that you do have the ability to create the relationships of your dreams. Nothing can hold you back unless you let it. Take charge, step into your power, and watch your relationships flourish!" The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland ![]() "Key words: Awaken, transform, stretch, possibilities, direction, growth Matters of the heart are much like flowers. In the bud stage, the relationship is in a state of potential. It requires loving care and attention to help it grow, develop, and bloom. The people involved in the relationship must be willing to trust and open themselves to each other. With the proper amount of nurturing, the relationship will blossom and bring beauty to the lives of those involved. It's time for you to nurture the potential of your relationships. New life and love are waiting for you. You have only to reach out and take hold. Seize the energies of renewal that surround you now and allow yourself to blossom like a beautiful flower. Awaken to the possibilities regarding desires of the heart. A blossom follows the sun because its warmth and light nurture the flower and infuse it with energy. The sun even provides some of the nutrients needed by the blossom. What is the sun in your own life? What nurtures you and helps you thrive? Do your relationships provide what you need? If not, it may be time to transform your life and grow in a new direction. You're in a period of growth regarding affairs of the heart. Stretch yourself and your ideas of what you believe is possible -- and know, in fact, that all things are possible if you will only follow your sun. Affirmation: I awaken to the beauty of relationships that nurture me. Traditional tarot archetype: Judgment" The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland "Key words: Act, direct, master, discipline, focus, effort
Now is the time to be proactive regarding matters of the heart. If you're looking for a relationship, take the initiative to find one. Take advantage of the many ways to meet your soul mate. This card is about action, action, action! If your current relationship is not moving in the direction you wish, do whatever is required to shift the direction. You're the master of your own destiny -- and that includes your relationships. Don't wait for others to make the first move or set the tone of the relationship. Take charge! Creating and sustaining a good relationship requires discipline. It's not enough to be "in" a relationship -- you must "invest" in it as well. Be present in and focus on the relationship. Give every relationship the opportunity and time that it needs and deserves to flourish and grow. Now is the time to focus on your needs and the needs of your partner. Make the effort to maintain healthy boundaries for yourself and to respect the boundaries of others. While rewarding relationships require effort, there must be a balanced effort from both partners. Perhaps it's time to examine your relationships. Are both partners putting forth equal effort to make the relationship work? Are you comfortable with the amount of effort your relationships require of you! If any relationship feels draining or it's "not worth the effort," then perhaps it's time to move on." Affirmation: I take charge of my relationships Traditional tarot archetype: Chariot The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland |
September 2022
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