![]() “Card Meaning: Practice kindness in all your thoughts and deeds today — toward yourself, other people, animals, and the environment — and watch the rewards that come your way! We often refer to kindness as “thoughtfulness.” Yet, kindness is more correctly described as “lovefulness.” By drawing this card, the fairies hand you the wonderful assignment of looking for opportunities to be kind today. This may mean “undercover kindness,” in which you do anonymous good deeds. Or, it could mean being extra alert for strangers who could use a helpful hand or a thoughtful word. Kindness can also entail letting someone else win the argument or volunteering for a cause you truly believe in. By paying attention to the implications of every thought and action, you begin to develop a kindness habit. Your new energy of kindness attracts new loving friends into your sphere. As you practice kindness toward animals, plants, and the environment, you develop a closer relationship with nature. Most important, when you are particularly kind toward yourself — by thinking about yourself compassionately and by taking time out for yourself — you are rewarded with a deep sense of inner satisfaction and peace. Affirmation: I am kind, thoughtful, and loving to myself and others.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Take some time to recharge your batteries. You need to feed your emotional body by withdrawing from others and the drama. Spend some time near water and meditate. Breathing exercises help release pain and suffering. Visualize what you are grateful for and you will start to feel at peace again.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp ![]() “Card Meaning: Your body wants to express itself through movement. Listen to your body, and it will tell you what type of movement it craves. Your physical body has its own life force and intelligence, and it’s part of the same elemental kingdom as the fairies. It’s both childlike and demanding, as well as mature and insightful. This card indicates your body’s wisdom, and asks that you honor your body’s need for exercise and movement. Spend a moment asking your body what type of movement it desires. Does it want cardiovascular conditioning such as jogging? A peaceful walk in nature? Stretching and meditative activities in a yoga class? Dancing to music? Listen to and follow through with your body’s answer. Affirmation: I lovingly pay attention to my body’s needs.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: A happy outcome is assured. Release any anxiety, and feel secure that everything is resolved in the end.
This is a reassuring card signaling that the “movie” you are currently starring in has a very happy ending. Situations that appear sticky are miraculously resolved. Misunderstandings are forgiven. Mistakes are forgotten. You are urged to stop worrying about the future, as your fears could be self-fulfilling in a negative way. You could literally sabotage heaven’s happy plan for you if your worries are excessive. So, go outside in nature, and ask the fairies to help you rejoice in the perfection of Creation. Your joy renews your faith, and ensures the happy outcome that is in store for you. Affirmation: Everything is in Divine and perfect order, right now.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: You need a break from routines and stressful situations. This card urges you to take time for yourself so that you can rest and renew.
The fairies take regular vacations, traveling to distant fairy glens. They know and respect the value of a change of scenery. By drawing this card, you are strongly counseled to do the same for yourself. A vacation doesn’t need to take a lot of time or money. Instead, it means getting away from mundane concerns and demands. Even one night at a local hotel, leaving your cell phone at home, can be therapeutic. Think of a vacation as an investment in yourself and future. All living beings need to rest in order to operate at maximum efficiency. After your vacation, your mood and energy levels will be renewed. You’ll have better access to creative ideas, and your positive demeanor will attract wonderful new people and opportunities into your life. Don’t procrastinate when it comes to taking a vacation — make definite plans today. Affirmation: I give myself permission to regularly rest and relax, knowing that by being revitalized, I am happier and more productive.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Wow! Your intuitive gifts are off the charts. Your psychic energy is so strong at this time. You may be asked to use these gifts now to guide others. You have this extraordinary talent – believe it! How you wish to use it in service is up to you.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp ![]() Lady Godiva, 1897 by John Collier “Yes! You did it. You are a winner. Victory and success are yours to claim. You have climbed to the summit. Sound the trumpet of triumph.” Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp ![]() “You may find yourself walking down memory lane at this time. This nostalgic card could indicate that an old friend or acquaintance from the past may step back into your life, or it could even resurrect loving images from days gone by. Does this person; these happy, forgotten moments; or those innocent childhood memories encourage you to recall and welcome the energy of love? Is there a message or lesson from these fond recollections that could benefit you in your present life? The number 6 card relates to support, dedication, unity, and a need for balance in the areas of emotions and love. Your heart and soul are asking you not to dwell in the past, but use the inspiration and joy from that time to assist you in the here-and-now.“ The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck by John Holland ![]() “This card represents moving away or withdrawing from a current situation in your life, whether it’s an old love, a relationship, or leaving behind what was once familiar in search of new horizons (or beginnings). On a physical level, it’s easy to get caught up in the materialistic world, but it’s just as important to retreat from the outside world to enable you to pause, reflect, and heal. Schedule some alone time so you can commune with your soul and give the power of spirit the opportunity to restore your energy level, giving you the vitality to move forward in a positive direction. The number 8 represents infinity, passion, control, and power. This is your time. Use this opportunity to tap into your heart and soul in order to find the courage and strength to continue your journey into that wonderful, undiscovered territory.” The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck by John Holland “Card Meaning: Express yourself with music. The fairies urge you to sing, play a musical instrument, tap your fingers, or crank up the stereo.
Music lifts the soul to new heights. It alters your mood and your outlook. The fairies play music at their celebrations because they know its therapeutic value. By drawing this card, you are guided to surround yourself with music. Any type of music that will stir your soul is appropriate. The fairies are especially fond of joyful, fast-paced music, because it stimulates a festive mood. Play music yourself, or have music playing around you for the next few days, and notice how your mood and energy levels elevate. You may find that you are drawn to new types of music, or to a genre of music that you enjoyed a long time ago. Make note of any songs that you repeatedly hear on the radio or in your mind. The lyrics, or the memories evoked by the song, could contain a message for you that will answer a particular question you may have. Affirmation: Deep within my soul, I now accept and experience the healing power of music. Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. |
September 2022
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