Time to show the world who you are. You are unique and talented. Allow others to see how original you really are without any concern to their reaction.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp
Trust and patience are needed at this time. You still have a few more steps to take before reaching your goal. The Universe is working behind the scenes while you take action. When the time is right, your desire will manifest.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp "Have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered."
Message from Mother Mary: "Faith is the light that illuminates your pathway. Without faith, the future looks very frightening. That's why it's essential for you to take whatever steps are necessary to keep your mind and heart filled with faith. Please don't give up hope on yourself or other people. Keep the candle of faith burning within your soul, as that one small inkling of hope can eradicate the darkness of despair. Be the light that eliminates someone else's gloomy hopelessness as well. For as you make others stronger, it strengthens not only yourself but the entire world." Various Meanings of This Card: Let go of worrisome thoughts * Keep your thoughts positive * Notice and follow any Divine guidance you may receive * Pray * Engage in spiritual healing. About Mother Mary: She's the beloved mother of Christ who's known as the "queen of the angels" for her ongoing and miraculous healing work. Mary works closely with anyone who is a child advocate, teacher, or healer. She loves the children, and is devoted to making the world a safe and happy place for them. If you'd like to help children, ask Mother Mary for a Divine assignment." Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. ![]() "Let go of old guilt, and remember that you're God's perfect child!" "You've been very hard on yourself lately, using harsh words toward yourself verbally or mentally. While it's healthy to hold yourself up to high standards, this card says that you've bordered on self-abuse! Everyone makes mistakes, and it's normal to feel regret occasionally. What's important, though, is how you handle these mistakes. As you focus on your positive attributes, your self-esteem will increase and your stress level will be diminished. Remember that guilt is the opposite of love. Your guilt doesn't help anyone or anything, but your Divine love helps everyone, everywhere! Affirm: "I ask that all effects of my mistakes be undone in all directions of time, and I now release all guilt completely. I love my true self, from top to bottom." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue ![]() "A major life change brings you great blessings." "Although you may feel as if your life is upside down right now, everything that's occurring is for the best. This card assures you that the changes in your life are actually helping you leave behind that which no longer serves you. Your spiritual purpose with the old situations is now complete. You're urged to stay centered in grace and acceptance. Keep affirming: "I welcome Divinely inspired change, and I stay centered in the eye of the hurricane as change occurs around and within me. All change is for my highest good. I know that love is stable and always provides for me and my loved ones -- no matter what our outer situations appear to be." Change ushers in fresh opportunities to learn, grow, prosper, and create new relationships. The key is to keep breathing and enjoy the changes, even if they're intimidating. If the Universe pushes you toward new responsibilities, know that you're qualified in Heaven's eyes." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue ![]() "An unforeseen windfall of new abundance comes to you now!" "Your prayers for financial support have been heard, and assistance is here for you now. It comes in wonderfully unexpected ways. Remain in a state of gratitude that says that the money is already here, even if there's no visible evidence of it yet. When you feel grateful before the demonstration of supply occurs, it reveals your faith. And your faith is the energy that draws riches to you without delay. Affirm frequently: "Thank you for all of the support, supply, abundance, and money that you bring to me. I am grateful for these riches, which I use in Divine ways to bring blessings to the earth." Your supply may show up in the form of money, or it may come as new opportunities, brilliant ideas, or gifts from others. Bless and honor Heaven's gifts however they come to you. Your gratitude ensures continual, overflowing abundance in your lfie." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue ![]() "You're a born entrepreneur, and your business is surrounded by magical opportunities." "You have the drive, discipline, and desire to be your own boss. This card also shows that you have the magical ingredients for a successful business. Heaven wants you to know that you're fully supported spiritually. As long as you stay enthusiastic, new opportunties will come to you. Your positive energy attracts customers, clients, and contracts. If you're in the process of opening a new business, now is the time to do spiritual work (praying, meditating, visualizing, and affirming); to conduct research about your business; and to work on yourself (by eating healthfully, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising regularly). These multiple layers of action will propel you to miraculous business opportunities." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue "This is a magical moment. Make a wish, and enjoy its manifestation."
"Say an affirmative prayer right now, which means stating your desire as if it were already true. Thank Heaven for this reality, and feel in your heart and belly that your dream is actually a reality. For example, say, "Thank you, Heaven, for [whatever your desire is]. I'm truly grateful for your continuous support." Now is a magical moment. Go into a quiet space -- even if it's just for a moment. Close your eyes, and imagine that your wish has come true. Feel it with your entire being. Then expres thanks for this gift, and release it like a helium balloon that goes straight to Heaven. If you need to take action to co-create this wish, you'll be given strong and repetitive guidance in the form of feelings, thoughts, ideas, inner words, signs, vision, or dreams. It's important that you follow this guidance in order to bring the wish into physical form." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue ![]() "The dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestation." "This card indicates that you've been straining and working too hard, and that you've lost your original focus. You're striving more out of habit than out of a clear direction. The dolphins ask you to stop, and divert your attention through silliness and non-competitive play. Any kind of playfulness will shake up your ruts and routines, and allow you to regain perspective on what is important and what is not. Playing is a magical form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap in to Divine wisdom. If your playfulness involves outdoor physical activity, the extra oxygen will also spark new ideas for you." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue Howl to the full (new) moon. You have something to celebrate. The stars have all aligned in your favor and now you are the one twinkling with this victorious news. You deserve this, so revel in this joyful energy.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp |
September 2022
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