"This card encompasses all aspects of being Divinely nurtured and supported. It calls to allow the full flow of Loving energy within you, to nurture and support you. This spiraling healing energy is available to you at all times. It surrounds you and embraces you. You are never alone on your journey. You are always supported and cared for. This nurturing feminine energy calls you to her arms. Rest with her for a while. Let her soothe your heart, heal your wounds and guide you gently and lovingly onto your path."
Path of the Soul destiny cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish
"This card indicates a time of movement: Significant changes and choices must be made. With hard work, great effort, and determination, you have the ability to juggle all the demands that are in front of you. Whether they concern money, business decisions, or other projects, it's important to stay flexible and focused. You don't have to do it alone; reach out for the best advice and assistance. In addition, a financial union or partnership may present itself to you. The more time you take to make these vital decisions and choices, the longer it will be before you can move toward your goals in the physical material world. The changes that are emerging aren't some random acts or coincidences -- they're all part of a positive and larger scheme. Notice the connections with everything, as this will enable you to avoid future problems and conflicts. The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "You've come far on your journey, and it's time to be rewarded for your efforts. This card symbolizes completion, triumph, peace, liberation, and fulfillment. Everything you've strived for is within your reach -- meet it halfway and grab it! The Universe is the last of the Major Arcana Cards and reflects the work that you've accomplished on your travels -- but more importantly, it represents the wisdom that you've gained along the way. You should now honor and acknowledge the truly wonderful soul that you are, and accept the vital part that you play in the bigger scheme of life. The world is yours to command, and you're free to travel in whatever direction your heart desires. You're connected to everything in the cosmos. The Universe Card is a reminder that the same energy making up the stars in the sky, the same energy that's coursing through the Universe, is in each and every individual. In ancient times, many believed that each star was the soul of one person. They also believed that these "souls" shined so brightly to guide others through the darkness -- and so too can your wise soul. Traditional tarot archetype: The World" The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "Key Facts Color: Yellow Sound: Ram Element: Fire Glands: Pancreas, Adrenal Key Words: "I can" The Solar Plexus Chakra is located between the navel area, just below the rib cage. It represents power, vitality, willpower, self-esteem, and confidence. The energy center where your emotions and feelings are recorded, this chakra is associated with clairsentience (inner feeling), which is the major psychic reception area. To balance the chakra, you may want to try yoga, dance and movement, or breath work with color. In addition, be aware of people who drain your energy. Workshops and classes that focus on empowerment will help you open and harmonize this area." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "This card represents emotions, sensitivity, and a reminder that nothing in life is at a standstill -- this is a world of constant flux, and one thing is certain: Everything changes. This card is calling you to action; the time is now when you may have to face your worst fears and look into the dark shadows of your soul. You must learn to confront what you've avoided and walk courageously through it. Always know that life naturally revitalizes itself and as it does, so do you. The Shadow Card promises that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Recognize that by no longer denying your past and letting the tears fall, you'll discover the diamonds in the treasure chest of your soul. This is a cleansing process to wash away and clear out what was once avoided, ignored, or pushed aside. The card indicates that this is a time when your psychic sensitivity may be quite intense. Learn to open up to it or if need be ... to turn it down. Your body is one big psychic antenna, so just remember that you're in control of how high or low you want the reception to be. Mother Earth can assist you in this period of change, sensitivity, and healing. Traditional tarot archetype: The Moon" The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "This is expression in full flow. Let yourself be heard, let yourself shine! Time to take center stage. This is all about feeling the universal flow of energy, joy, creativity and communication. Sing, dance and let yourself be seen in all your glory. Set your creative inner being free! Express all those things inside you that you would normally hide from the world."
Path of the Soul destiny cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish "This card represents moving away or withdrawing from a current situation in your life, whether it's an old love, a relationship, or leaving behind what was once familiar in search of new horizons (or beginnings). On a physical level, it's easy to get caught up in the materialistic world, but it's just as important to retreat from the outside world to enable you to pause, reflect, and heal. Schedule some alone time so you can commune with your soul and give the power of spirit the opportunity to restore your energy level, giving you the vitality to move forward in a positive direction. The number 8 represents infinity, passion, control, and power. This is your time. Use this opportunity to tap into your heart and soul in order to find the courage and strength to continue your journey into that wonderful, undiscovered territory." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "Through this card, the manifestation of growth is on the horizon. You're the creator, and the seeds that have been planted in the past -- whether they were happiness, comfort, abundance, prosperity, family, children, ideas, or even thoughts -- are now ready to give birth into your world. Be patient as you watch your seeds take root and grow. Nurture them as they become strong and healthy. Open yourself to the life force of the Universe. This card also represents femininity and Mother Earth, who is calling to you. The arms of the beauty are reaching out; she wants to embrace you on her seashores, mountains, forests, and gardens -- go to her and meet her halfway. Acknowledge that the same energy that makes up the heavens, earth, plants, animals, and mineral kingdom is also part of you. Start nurturing yourself, and infuse your soul with love and compassion. Soon others will see and feel your devotion. As you interact with others around you now, or even if you're in the midst of solving a problem, use gentle care and kindness as you handle such situations. This isn't a time for you to be inconsiderate, possessive, domineering, forceful, or pushy. Act from the loving space of your heart center. The benevolent energy that resides there will assist you in making sacrifices in order to care for and help others, as well as yourself. Traditional Tarot archetype: The Empress" The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "The number 6 Physical Card represents a peaceful, tranquil time when problems seem to actually disappear. A sudden bonus, pay raise, or even a promotion could be in the offering -- it could be expected or arrive out of the blue. This card may also signify a group that has worked and strived toward the success of a common goal. A time of prosperity, balance, and harmony in you physical and spiritual existence is showing you that the practice of giving and receiving will bring you true riches. Look into you life and see where you can spread spiritual and physical wealth. Is there a person or a favorite charity that would welcome an act of kindness right now? Practice generosity, gratitude, and compassion so that you continue to prosper in all areas of your life. The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "The number 5 Emotions Card comes forth at a time when you may be experiencing or grieving a loss of someone or something you were emotionally attached to. Honor your feelings. Only by healing and loving yourself -- by letting go of the past -- can you continue your journey. The suffering associated with this loss delivers profound wisdom and knowledge for you soul. Your unique gifts, talents, and abilities (as well as your joy and sorrow) will not only make up who you really are, but better yet... who you will become. The painful experiences of life are equally as valuable as the joyous ones. Focus all your positive energy on the good in your life and what you're grateful for. Use your healing energy in this way and try not to focus on what you've lost, for new beginnings and happiness are just around the corner. The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland |
September 2022
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