“Your life purpose involves teaching others about healing and spirituality.” ”You drew this card because you’ve asked about your life purpose and career direction. This card indicates that you’re a born teacher who gives advice and information to strangers, friends, and family members. Your natural counseling and teaching abilities will serve you well in a professional way. You may start out on a part-time basis and build up to a full-time career. If you need additional skill training, your inner guidance will direct you. Ask the fairies to help you with this training (including paying for it!), and they’ll open doors for you in many ways. Additional meanings for this card: Investigate a career as a counselor or psychologist * Write articles or books and submit them to publishers * A message about a spiritual teacher validates your intuition * Give a workshop * Start charging money for your counseling or healing sessions.” Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
“What you’ve asked for is coming true.”
”The fairies know how to magically manifest all of their material needs and desires, and they also assist people — like yourself — in making their dreams come true. This card represents that the fairies are very happy to grant your wish! They work in concert with all of the universal forces and energies, but you can also help your prayer rapidly manifest by going with the flow in your own life. Stay as centered and peaceful as possible because negativity could block your desire. Go outside in nature often to keep your spirit soaring with the magical energies of joy and gratitude. Additional meanings for this card: A loved one is planning a surprise for you * Your thoughts are manifesting into form very quickly, so be sure that your silent prayers and spoken words are aligned with your desires and not your fears * Trust in the Universe * Keep a sense of wonder and awe.” Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "In the fall season, everything comes together and you reap wonderful harvests of abundance."
"The answer to your question will be fully reaped in the autumn. Just like a garden patch, you'll experience blessings along the way. Keep tending to your manifestation by maintaining positive thoughts, affirming, praying, and taking guided action. The fruits of this work will be ready as the leaves start to turn and the air starts to chill for the fall season. Additional meanings for this card: Return to school * A project is nearing completion * Visit or move to a location where the leaves turn bright colors in the fall * Grow a vegetable or herb garden." Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "With daily practice, you can polish your skills and talents and increase your confidence." "The fairies love to play musical instruments; and they know that consistent practice increases their enjoyment, confidence and competency. In the same vein, you drew this card because you've asked how to accomplish something. The answer is for you to invest time practicing and working on your goal daily. Even a few minutes will add up to big progress -- for example, writing one page a day will lead to a complete book by the end of the year. Push yourself to practice, beginning today! Additional meanings for this card: Take up a new hobby or skill * Join a class to learn something new * Open a private practice conducting healing or other one-on-one work * Take private lessons to polish your skills * It's time to showcase your talents publicly * Take active steps toward your goal in order to realize your dreams." Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "Don't worry. It's all working out in a beautiful way." "The fairies know that you're concerned about the outcome of this situation, so they've sent this card to you as reassurance that everything's working out in a divinely perfect way. Take steps to uplift your outlook and unburden your heart and mind, such as taking a nature walk, spending time with loved ones, exercising, or enjoying a creative project. The more you can stay centered and filled with faith, the better the outcome you'll experience. Additional meanings for this card: Write down your concerns on paper and then ceremoniously dispose of the list by burning it, pouring water over it, or burying it * Talk to the people involved in order to double-check your facts -- your worries may be based upon untrue assumptions * Make sure that you're getting enough rest and eating healthfully, as physical strain can lead to anxiety and exhaustion." Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "Moving is a step in the right direction for you." "The fairies are so attuned to the earth's heartbeat that they can detect changes far before we're aware of them. This card comes to you because the fairies foresee you moving to a new location with positive results. If you ask for their assistance, the fairies can help with this change, including letting go of your present home, releasing financial worries, and finding a wonderful new place. Additional meanings for this card: Take steps to move, such as contacting a real-estate agent * A positive change in your finances allows you to afford a better home * Someone is moving in or out of your home * A relationship change heralds a move * Healing is occurring within your home * Consider a career helping others with their homes, such as Feng Shui, mural painting, landscaping, or house-sitting." Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "The basis of your question involves your romantic life, which is now changing for the better." "You've drawn this card because your love life is somehow involved in the question that you've asked, and the fairies can help you understand this connection if it's not immediately apparent to you. This card signifies that a change for the better is in the works for your love life. Additional meanings for this card: Love your life as a way to bring healing energy to this situation * A new love proves to be an important person in your life * You're ready to meet your soul mate * A breakup is imminent or has just occurred * You'd like to get married * Communicate with your partner about a topic that's bothering you right now * Ask the fairies to help you connect with your soul mate." Magical Mermaids from the Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "What you're asking for is coming about. Have patience, as there are unseen factors that need to occur first." "The fairies manifest desires instantly. Whatever they think about occurs immediately, so they understand why you may feel impatient when your prayers aren't answered right away. This card is reassuring you that your desires are being worked on behind the scenes. Although you may not perceive those results at present, trust that things are moving in the right direction. You'll soon see and experience your desired outcome. Additional meanings for this card: Heaven has heard you and is working on your prayers * What you're asking for is nearly at hand * You'll receive the money you need * Keep the faith, stay positive, and continue affirming and praying * Your relationship with your soul mate will soon manifest * Wait before making a move on the topic you're asking about." Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "You've finished one part of your life, and now a new and even better part is beginning." "This card indicates that a chapter in your life is closing; perhaps you've been feeling a sense of loss or anxiety about the future. This card reassures you that your present situation is teaching you many valuable and important life lessons. You're now taking that wisdom and beginning a journey with new people, work, and situations. Be open to this change, as it brings many blessings for everyone involved. Your future is taken care of. Additional meanings for this card: You may be moving to a new home * A job promotion is upcoming * A relationship is ending * A transition is noticeable * Let go of unhealthful old patterns * Make time to work on healing your past hurts." Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. "Moving is a step in the right direction for you." "The fairies are so attuned to the earth's heartbeat that they can detect changes far before we're aware of them. This card comes to you because the fairies foresee you moving to a new location with positive results. If you ask for their assistance, the fairies can help with this change, including letting go of your present home, releasing financial worries, and finding a wonderful new place. Additional meanings for this card: Take steps to move, such as contacting a real-estate agent * A positive change in your finances allows you to afford a better home * Someone is moving in or out of your home * A relationship change heralds a move * Healing is occurring within your home * Consider a career helping others with their homes, such as Feng Shui, mural painting, landscaping, or house-sitting." Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue Ph.D. |
September 2022
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