You are witnessing your finances transforming for the better. This is just the beginning. This new growth of abundance could soon be in the palms of your hands. This newfound wealth could be coming from a seed you planted a while ago, an unexpected source like a gift or lottery winning, or investment. Whatever it is, this card promises some form of monetary gain. Continue to stay positive and expect the best outcome.
What a fabulous day today! Get ready to have something new fall into your lap. If you're an actor, you could receive news today that you booked a role you recently auditioned for and it's shooting this week. Or perhaps, if you are self-employed, you might receive a new client or job opportunity. Whatever it is, the Fertility card represents new growth on the horizon and the Victory & Success card represents harvest. You are reassured that the seeds you have planted are now ready for harvest. This is an auspicious day. No action is required on your part. You have already put in the time, nurturing your project, idea, or relationship. Today you will see and experience the result of all that hard work. Congratulations! Time to receive some recognition now for all your hard work. You have invested time and energy into your project, relationships, life or career to get to this point and others are noticing your abilities and skills from this experience. Don't wait for outside validation though. Give yourself credit for taking this creative journey. It may not have been easy along the way. Acknowledge everything you have been through, what you have learned along the way, and the gifts presented to you at the finish line. Accept your reward, you deserve it! All that work you did yesterday, moving through and past your own fears has paid off big. You are standing at the top of your mountain sounding out your victory horn. Good news is coming your way. Whatever you have worked hard on for quite some time is now ready to pay off for you. This could come in the form of a completed project, getting that job you always wanted, having the midas touch and receiving more money, or achieving a huge move forward in your spiritual awareness. Whatever it is, you will be glowing from the news. Enjoy this exciting position today! While this card might look a bit ominous, it's actually quite positive because it's easy to remedy. This card shows that it's your own fear that is keeping you trapped or stagnant. Is there a new project you want to launch, or someone you want to ask out, or is there something you've never done before and you're scared to take the first step? The meaning of this card reminds me of the character in Bridge of Spies, Rudolf Abel played by Mark Rylance. When asked why he never seems worried, he responds, "Would it help." It's so true what he says. The only thing fear does is paralyze us from the ability to make decisions or choices. Ask yourself today, What is it that I truly fear? Stress and anxiety stem from fear. What you really fear is exactly what you should face and do…that is your true purpose because what you resist, persists! Limitations exist only in your mind. Open the cell you have created and breathe in the freedom and infinite possibilites. There comes a time when you have to stand in your power and not bend to others who have differing opinions. They don't have to agree with you, but you don't have to agree with them either. It's okay to be different and have completely different perspectives. It doesn't make you or them wrong or right. It just means you are being challenged in a pool of competition, but you have the strength and courage to face it head on. This is about staying true to your core values and knowing that the decisions you are making now are in your best interest and not anyone else's. Stand tall, stand strong! You have all these wonderful ideas and you want them implemented immediately, but sometimes it's better to wait for the right time. Your seed needs time to grow. Continue to nurture it and allow it to grow in it's own time. You won't be disappointed with the results. But if you force it to happen, your seed will have many complications. Divine timing is the key here. Your seedling is infused with divine assistance and will blossom once you have put in the necessary care. Take care of the steps required to allow your seedling to flourish. This need for patience also relates to how you deal with others. Temperance is called for at this time. Time to recharge your batteries again. If you feel like you've been on an emotional roller coaster lately, it's time to get off that track and take some time for yourself in a quiet place. Close your eyes, breathe and meditate near water or take a long soothing bubble bath. Treat your soul by giving it some much needed attention. Sometimes it's better to withdraw from draining situations to gain a better perspective. This time of healing will help rejuvenate you. It will help you regain your power to move forward in your journey. Get ready to release all those things in your life that no longer serve you in the best way possible. If you have been contemplating changing careers, you might be booted out of your old job as the Universe gives you a little nudge toward what's really best for you. If you were to stay where you are you would end up stagnant in murky waters. It might seem harsh or painfull now to surrender and let go, but great sacrifices comes with huge rewards. Be willing to release now and achieve more than you ever thought possible. In the traditional tarot deck this card is referred to as The Hanged Man. Whatever is happening in your life right now is out of your control, but it will help you gain a better perspective on your future. Expect great transformation, enlightenment and a more colorful future. Time to nurture the seed you planted a while back. It is showing signs of growth now. This seed might be a creative project, a new approach to creating more abundance in your life, or creative ideas which will lead to something rooted in a solid foundation. You are giving birth to something great. This card is also referred to as Mother Earth, or the Empress card in the traditional tarot deck. It's time to connect to nature, ground yourself, and fertilize your dreams. |
September 2022
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