Happy New Year's Eve! What a great card to enter into the new year... expect 2017 to flow with emotional, spiritual and material abundance. This is a flow that is not expected to dry up, so enjoy this waterfall of fulfilled wishes! Close the book on all old beliefs,patterns and issues and enter this coming year with a fresh new page in a whole new book. "This card -- being one, if not the most positive, of the Minor Arcana cards -- represents emotional satisfaction, contentment, and enjoyment. Your wishes are coming true! Are you ready? Happiness, success, good health, completion, and accomplishment of your dreams and goals are in the palm of your hand. This card acts as a reminder to hold on to the beneficial feelings from accepting and receiving what you've asked or strived for. Know that these will assist you in the future when you may need inspiration and positive energy. This is the right time to heal those past memories that have been holding you hostage. Forgive others and yourself so that your wishes, desires, and goals have a clear, unobstructed path to your heart, soul, and life." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland
"Key Facts Color: Indigo Sound: Om Element: Light Gland: Pituitary Key Words: "I see" This is the most often talked about of all the chakras; and clairvoyance (inner seeing), intuition, and higher levels of consciousness are all associated with this energy center. Found between your eyebrows and just above the bridge of your nose, it works closely with the Throat and Crown chakras and will assist you with your psychic and intuitive inner guidance. To balance the Third Eye Chakra, I recommend that you practice walking meditations, breath work, yoga, tai chi, visualizations, breath work, yoga, Tai chi, visualizations, and color therapy. Don't just focus on this one chakra as part of your development, as it's important to remember that they should all be in balance in order to work in unison and harmony." "This card confirms that what you've been building is now firmly established with a strong and solid foundation. You deserve this, and it's time for you to harvest the rewards for your efforts. What you sowed, you now can reap. Be open to receive, as you've worked hard and have given so much. Allow the Universe to give a little back to you, for there has to be an even exchange of giving and receiving in order to prime the pump of gratitude and reinforce the law of attraction. Using the more traditional meaning in tarot, this card represents a period for celebration, peace, and prosperity. It may also imply a marriage or the buying of land or a new home. As you enjoy this time of relaxation that you so deserve, know that nothing remains stagnant and the winds of change are always at your door." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "A reward for a job well done is what this card represents. It's a time of recognition for a completed project, hard work, skill, expertise, and craftsmanship. These abilities are now being honored, but don't forget to also pay homage to yourself. Pat yourself on the back -- you deserve it! This card also comes forth to represent a family or a group of people coming together -- all of whom are aiming and striving toward a common goal. Accept the help that's being offered. More possibilities are in the works, so be sure to lay a solid foundation from your past achievements, and this will help you be ready for the next opportunity. In addition, this card is a reminder to take care of your physical body; after all, it's' what carries your soul around in this material world." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "The first of the Spirit cards signified that this is the time to let your soul soar! New beginnings, ideas, revelations, and exciting adventures await you in your personal or business life. Creative endeavors, enthusiasm, positive energy, and a renewed spiritual strength are at an all-time high. The powerful force of spirit is flowing through you, and with it comes a new sense of purpose. Be all that you can be, reach inside, and tap into that force. Use it to move forward and set up a strong foundation for the future. Other people may feel your excitement and joy and begin to benefit from the spark of life that's emanating from you. They'll wonder, "What's your secret?" and your energy could even ignite their own spiritual journey. Follow your intuition, but know that this is your time to spread your wings and fly!" The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland
"This card reveals that it's actually your own fear that has you immobilized and trapped -- preventing you from making decisions or choices. You are the one who's holding yourself prisoner (or hostage); and in order to continue your journey, you must first face your fears so that new people and conditions can manifest. Many individuals choose to stay in this place because they can't see the road ahead, they feel a misguided sense of safety there, or they're afraid of starting something new. But staying will only add to your levels of stress and anxiety and create adverse effects in your physical body. Seek out wise counsel for assistance. You don't have to do this alone, but know that you possess all of the tools that you need to free yourself -- you're forgetting how strong you really are! This period will end when you use your mind to cut through the limitations caused by your emotions." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "This card is coming forth to give encouragement and remind you that you have the inner strength to complete whatever you've been working on. This final Spirit Card represents courage, discipline, stability, and persistence. You may be tired or weary from the struggle, but now is not the time to give in. Instead, tap into all of your inner reserves for that one final push to achieve the desired outcome. You've been through so much to get to this point; and even though you may have acquired some scars from the battle, you're wiser and stronger for it. The enlightenment you've gained will be an invaluable resource. You may also notice that you're experimenting with different things in your life at this time -- all of these experiences feed your spirit and offer you knowledge for the future." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "This cards represents moving away or withdrawing from a current situation in your life, whether it's an old love, a relationship, or leaving behind what was once familiar in search of new horizons (or beginnings). On a physical level, it's easy to get caught up in the materialistic world, but it's just as important to retreat from the outside world to enable you to pause, reflect, and heal. Schedule some alone time so you can commune with your soul and give the power of spirit the opportunity to restore your energy level, giving you the vitality to move forward in a positive direction. The number 8 represents infinity, passion, control, and power. This is your time. Use this opportunity to tap into your heart and soul in order to find the courage and strength to continue your journey into that wonderful, undiscovered territory." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "This card represents the obstacles, power struggles, and challenges that you must face in order to overcome them. This could be a difficult period to get through, but it's not impossible if you open your mind and see the bigger picture of how something went wrong. Don't get caught up in it, just pause and stand back for clarity -- observe where adjustments are required or which decisions may need to be changed to enable you to move forward in a positive direction. Life really is all about learning; don't play the victim. Take the knowledge you've gained from this experience so that you can apply it to similar situations in the future. This card often comes forth when competition is around you, whether it's in your personal or business life. This is an excellent time to think creatively and ask yourself, How can I make myself shine above all the rest? The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland |
September 2022
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