"Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don't see results yet." "Your manifestation is being worked out right now, even if you can't see tangible proof. As an analogy, when sailors get close to land, they often see signs of life, such as birds flying or branches floating in the ocean. By drawing this card, you're urged to notice signs that "land" (your manifestation) is near. Even if you can't yet see evidence that your manifestation is in process, this card assures you that your prayers have been heard and answered. Stay centered in faith and gratitude in order to open the door to your desires." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue
Make a Decision "Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision!" "Sometimes life feels as if it's at an impasse while we await Heaven's next instruction. By drawing this card, however, Heaven asks, "What do you want?" Sometimes the Universe asks us to be the decision maker, and this is one of those times. Instead of passively allowing life to push you around like a canoe without oars, you're counseled to take charge and set your own course. Know that Heaven gives you all of the resources you need to pull yourself out of any situation as long as you make a firm and clear decision. Your decisiveness is the catalyst for Heaven to clear the way for your manifestation. Let go of all fears or worries, and focus only on the destination you intend to reach. Enjoy the journey along the way!" Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue Make a Wish "This is a magical moment. Make a wish and enjoy its manifestation." "Say an affirmative prayer right now, which means stating your desire as if it were already true. Thank Heaven for this reality, and feel in your heart and belly that your dream is actually a reality. For example, say, "Thank you, Heaven, for [whatever your desire is]. I'm truly grateful for you continuous support." Now is a magical moment. Go into a quiet space -- even if it's just for a moment. Close your eyes, and imagine that your wish has come true. Feel it with your entire being. Then, express thanks for this gift, and release it like a helium balloon that goes straight to Heaven. If you need to take action to co-create this wish, you'll be given strong and repetitive guidance in the form of feelings, thoughts, ideas, inner words, signs, visions, or dreams. It's important that you follow this guidance in order to bring the wish into physical form." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue
"You're a born entrepreneur, and your business is surrounded by magical opportunities." "You have the drive, discipline, and desire to be your own boss. This card also shows that you have the magical ingredients for a successful business. Heaven wants you to know that you're fully supported spiritually. As long as you stay enthusiastic, new opportunities will come to you. Your positive energy attracts customers, clients, and contracts. If you're in the process of opening a new business, now is the time to do spiritual work (praying, meditating, visualizing, and affirming); to conduct research about your business and to work on yourself (by eating healthfully, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising regularly.) These multiple layers of action will propel you to miraculous business opportunities." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue "Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance, as this can yield valuable information." "Heaven is giving you important messages, and by drawing tihs card, you're asked to pay extra attention to them. Notice conversations you over-hear, comments made to you by others, and inner feelings and thoughts. Look for common threads among the signs, as they're forms of guidance to help you manifest your Divine purpose and desires. It's not your imagination that Heaven is sending you signs and Divine guidance. Anytime you hear or feel something three or more times, especially within a short time period, it's information worthy of your attention. These signs also give you feedback about your current belief system, since your thoughts attract mirroring experiences. Use these signs to heal beliefs that dishonor you, and swim in the direction that your guidance points you." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue "You're about to embark on a much-needed journey to leave the past behind. This card lets you know that there's light at the end of the tunnel, and it signifies that the time has arrived in which a difficult cycle in your life is coming to an end. In the traditional tarot, this card also implies traveling or going forward -- involving crossing water or even moving abroad. Calmer waters are ahead, and with all the lessons you've learned from past experiences, you're approaching this period having grown; and you're so much stronger for it. The healing process is under way; and now you can set your goals, desires, and objectives to secure a more positive and successful future. Because your mind is more settled and less worried, synchronistic events will bring the right conditions and introduce people into your life for your highest good." The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland "Make time to relax, be still, and enjoy your solitude, indulging in much-needed self-care." "This card asks you to take a break from your harried schedule. Soaking or swimming in salty water creates a magical electrical energy shift in your body. The salt draws out emotional and physical toxins. Purchase sea salt from your local health-food store's spice section, and pour lots of the salt and fragrant essential oils into your warm bathwater. Be sure to immerse your chest and heart chakra under water as you soak in the tub in order to release toxic emotions. Burn a white candle near your bathtub. As you look at the flickering light, think about what you want. The white candlelight amplifies your thoughts and feelings, so think about your desires and not your fears. Let the saltwater wash away any doubts that could block your manifestation. Ask the candle to illuminate your mind with faith and positive expectations. Enjoy this relaxation time, and have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue "More information is needed. Contact someone with expertise in this area." "You're venturing into an area where other people could assist you by offering you new ideas and information, as well as the benefit of their experience. To attract the right expert to help you, affirm: "A helpful, knowledgeable, experenced person with integrity is in my life right now, and this individual will help me with [describe the situation you'd like assistance with]. This person comes to me easily and naturally, without delay." When this person appears, know that it's Divinely orchestrated. Don't hesitate or feel guilty about asking for help. Instead, take notes, and give thanks to the person and to Heaven. Remember, it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Many of Earth's most wonderful inventions came from team efforts. By working with informed individuals, you also develop the healthy habit of consulting with your celestial guides more consistently." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue "Increase your standards, and expect more for yourself. Don't settle!"
"This card indicates that you've been trying to rationalize that some situation is okay...when it isn't. You've settled for less than you desire, and for much less than you deserve. You don't need to compromise! Heaven will help you heal, or will replace troubling situations in your life. All you need to do is ask for Heaven's help, and then adhere to the guidance that results. Take time today to visualize and dream about your true heart's desires. Don't worry about being disappointed -- you deserve a great life, and you have the power and the Heavenly help to accomplish it! Fear and worries slow down your manifestation, so keep releasing all cares and doubts to Heaven. You may feel intimidated by moving up to a higher plateau in your journey; however, you have Heaven's reassurance that you're ready. Reach for the stars, know that you're qualified and deserving of these gifts, and open your arms to receive them!" Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue "You're a born entrepreneur, and your business is surrounded by magical opportunities." "You have the drive, discipline, and desire to be your own boss. This card also shows that you have the magical ingredients for a successful business. Heaven wants you to know that you're fully supported spiritually. As long as you stay enthusiastic, new opportunities will come to you. Your positve energy attracts customers, clients, and contracts. If you're in the process of opening a new business, now is the time to do spiritual work (praying, meditating, visualizing, and affirming); to conduct research about your business; and to work on yourself (by eating healthfully, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising regularly). These multiple layers of action will propel you to miraculous business opportunities." Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue "In the fall season, everything comes together and you reap wonderful harvests of abundance."
"The answer to your question will be fully reaped in the autumn. Just like a garden patch, you'll experience blessings along the way. Keep tending to your manifestation by maintaining positive thoughts, affirming, praying, and taking guided action. The fruits of this work will be ready as the leaves start to turn and the air starts to chill for the fall season. Additional meanings for this card: Return to school * A project is nearing completion * Visit or move to a location where the leaves turn bright colors in the fall * Grow a vegetable or herb garden." Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. |
September 2022
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