Today I missed the spectacular Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse and I was awake at the time! I can’t tell you how disappointed I was when I realized that, after the fact. So, I meditated on that disappointment and received a very strong message; let go. This is a time for all of us to release or eclipse what no longer serves us. In this instance, it wasn’t important that I witnessed this eclipse, it was more important that I accepted the energy of this eclipse. So, if you too, missed out, no need to fret about it because you will still benefit from its incredible energy.
This beautiful moon has blessed us with the opportunity to release what weighs us down; old habits and patterns, old ways of relating, past childhood issues, the grief of loved ones who have passed or people who no longer resonate with your energy. This is a time to illuminate and eliminate. The moon became brighter before it was eclipsed. This energy provides us all with an opporutnity to see more clearly what it is that holds us back from our beautiful brightness, and to finally let it go. I have been feeling this energy for the last two weeks; sleepless nights, great emotional swings and weight gain. Part of this may be attributed to the resistance of releasing. Here is an exercise to do today to ease into this new energy that awaits us: Stand firmly on the ground with your feet hip distance apart and open your arms in a position of receiving and repeat, “I am one with God/the Universe (whatever you feel comfortable with), I am love, I serve my higher power, I am always connected to the Divine, I accept all that I have done in the past to get me where I am today, and I surrender to releasing what no longer serves me so that I may live in the present in my authentic truth, thank you!” If you would like to visualize this release, imagine a beam of white light and love entering your crown chakra (the top of your head, moving through and clearing each chakra as it moves through your third eye, throat, heart, solar, sacral and root chakras directly into the ground and wrapping around the core of the earth. Feel the vibration and loving energy and watch that energy push out pieces within and around you that you no longer need to hold onto. For some that may look like shards of glass falling away from you, or dark masses oozing out of you. There is no right or wrong way to visualize this. It is a personal experience. The intention creates the reality. Make it real for YOU. May this Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse energy shed light on what needs to be released and eclipse it from you.
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“Let go and let flow. The direction of your life is heading to smoother waters. You are trusting the Universe and your emotions are calmer. This change in your destiny has brought peace into your life.”
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp “Card Meaning: Your soul longs to celebrate and have fun. The fairies urge you to call your friends for a get-together or an evening out.
There is always something to celebrate, and this card asks you to do so now. Your soul longs for an exciting adventure, such as an out-of-town trip, throwing a party, or kicking up your heels and going dancing. Sometimes we procrastinate when it comes to personal time-outs, believing that such activities cost too much time and money. Yet the benefits of celebrating are many: getting a fresh perspective and new ideas, rekindling old friendships, and the sheer joy of entertaining yourself. The fairies hold celebrations regularly, sometimes on a nightly basis. They know the importance of singing and dancing as part of developing a community spirit. Although you may wish that someone else would take the initiative to suggest an evening out, maybe it’s time for you to take the lead and plan a special event. Affirmation: I am spirited, playful, and fun to be with. I create ways to celebrate with my friends.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: Your soul longs to celebrate and have fun. The fairies urge you to call your friends for a get-together or an evening out.
There is always something to celebrate, and this card asks you to do so now. Your soul longs for an exciting adventure, such as an out-of-town trip, throwing a party, or kicking up your heels and going dancing. Sometimes we procrastinate when it comes to personal time-outs, believing that such activities cost too much time and money. Yet the benefits of celebrating are many: getting a fresh perspective and new ideas, rekindling old friendships, and the sheer joy of entertaining yourself. The fairies hold celebrations regularly, sometimes on a nightly basis. They know the importance of singing and dancing as part of developing a community spirit. Although you may wish that someone else would take the initiative to suggest an evening out, maybe it’s time for you to take the lead and plan a special event. Affirmation: I am spirited, playful, and fun to be with. I create ways to celebrate with my friends.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: Your heart’s desires are manifesting into reality. The fairies ask you to hold fast to your faith and expect positive outcomes.
Good news! The life you’ve been dreaming of is becoming a reality for you. Your affirmations, prayers, visualizations, and other positive practices have brought your dreams to fruition. Now, the fairies ask you to keep the faith. At this moment, you may be seeing glimmers of your dreams coming true. These dreams are transitioning from thought-form to etheric form, and then they’re solidifying into material form. To make this transition successful and complete, your continued faith and prayers are needed. Ask God and the fairies to help release you of any fears that could cause you to sabotage your success. Know that you deserve this new abundance, and that it will bring much joy to you and those in your life. Affirmation: My heart is filled with gratitude and excitement, knowing that wonderful people and situations surround me now.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut.
Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation. Don’t try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it’s simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude.” Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: By drawing this card, you’re urged to listen to, and follow, your true feelings. Do not betray yourself, or rationalize that it’s acceptable to deny your inner voice of truth.
You have an inner counselor who is very wise. This source of wisdom speaks to you in both physical and emotional ways. Perhaps you have gut feelings that are speaking loudly to you, or physical reactions to situations, such as a tightened jaw or a nervous stomach. Your heart may be drawing you toward a particular geographical location, a specific career, or a certain type of relationship. You may feel compelled to leave a particular situation that is unacceptable. The fairies know the importance of heeding their own feelings, and they ask you to do the same. They say, “Please don’t discount what you know to be true in your heart. Follow your emotions, as they are your inner compass that will steer you home and keep you warm, safe, supported, and joyous.” If you’re unclear about which emotions you’re experiencing, write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal to gain clarity and understandig. Affirmation: I listen to, honor, and follow my true feelings, knowing that they are answers to my prayers.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. ![]() “Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to Heaven.” ”This card shows you that you still have some father issues left to heal. The healing doesn’t need to take a lot of time — it simply requires your willingness to be free of any old anger, grief, or fear related to your male parent. Universal energies are either male or female. Male energy is expansive and giving. Female energy is nurturing and receptive. If we’re unhealed with respect to our father, the Universe seems to be ungenerous. If we’re unhealed toward our mother, we won’t accept the gifts the Universe offers us. The more you focus on the spiritual truth of your father, the more your heart will be receptive to the Universe’s continuous and all-encompassing giving. Accept your rightful bounty, and open your arms to your Divine inheritance. Affirm: “I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father, and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationshp with my father.” Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue ![]() “The dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestation.” ”This card indicates that you’ve been straining and working too hard, and that you’ve lost your original focus. You’re serving more out of habit than out of a clear direction. The dolphins ask you to stop and divert your attention through silliness and non-competitive play. Any kind of playfulness will shake up your ruts and routines, and allow you to regain perspective on what is important and what is not. Playing is a magical form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap into Divine wisdom. If your playfulness involves outdoor physical activity, the extra oxygen will also spark new ideas for you.” Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue “Know that you deserve to receive good in all ways.”
”You’ve been blocking your manifestations due to deep-seated beliefs that you don’t deserve them. Manifestations aren’t rewards for good behavior — they’re effects of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. When you allow yourself to receive, you help with God’s plan to demonstrate love evverywhere. Accepting Heaven’s help isn’t just about you personally; it’s about allowing yourself to be helped so that you can help others. Accept good graciously and affirm. “Thank you for gifts that have come to me now. I gratefully accept them for the good of all.” Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue |
September 2022
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