You are finally ready to face your fears and allow all those negative and limiting beliefs about yourself fall to the wayside. The only person you are tormenting is yourself. Let go! You may be worried about your finances, a relationship, moving to a new place, or your career. It does not serve you to worry and despair about it. Fear tends to distort reality into insurmountable obstacles.As you can see in the photo, there is nothing in your way. The mountains you felt you needed to climb are far off in the distance. The obstacles are in your mind. Release these thoughts and replace it with a Universal Truth that you have infinite powers and abilities. You are the only one holding yourself back. The Truth card, also referred to as the Judgment card in the traditional tarot deck, is reminding you that you are judging yourself too harshly. This is your "wake up" call. Reconnect with Source to bring clarity to your situation and a better understanding of what needs to take place to get you back on the right path.
If you have been seeking spiritual guidance, this card is to let you know that you will find a wise Sage to assist you in your journey. In fact, this Master may just find you. In the traditional tarot deck this card is referred to as The Hierophant or High Priest/Priestess. This wise counselor will hold your hand and guide you through the process of enlightenment and spiritual awakening until you are ready to walk this path on your own and become the Master.. You may seek a group of like minded individuals to learn from each other and elevate your metaphysical abilities. Everyone is born with this power, however some need assistance to bring it to light. This next step will become instrumental in your life purpose. Whether it helps you personally or professionally, you will grow exponentially. This spiritual growth will be noticeable by others and soon they will seek you out for guidance. New love beckons today. This is the beginning of the emotional flow of happiness. This love does not necessarily mean a physical one. This could represent a new idea, goal or opportunity. Whatever it may be, it signifies the opening of your heart chakra. Accept this higher vibration or frequency into your life. When we are in this conscious loving state it is easier to release fear and anger. We are also more apt to forgive ourselves and others, allowing and attracting new love into our heart space. Embrace this emotion today and allow its frequency of joy to spread around you. Time to face your worst fears. What is it that you are avoiding? Have you been holding onto some past event or emotion? If so, today you must finally acknowledge these feelings and allow them to release. By taking this action you are healing old wounds and creating a space for something new, something that will benefit you for your higher good. In the traditional tarot deck this card is also referred to as the Moon. The moon cycle for women is about the ebb and flow of emotions and the cycle of change. This also means that you may be experiencing heightened psychic sensitivity. However, the messages that you are now receiving may be confusing during this transition. Make note of the messages, but wait for a time of more clarity to decipher their meaning. Lady Luck is smiling down on you today. The Destiny card or as it is referred to in the traditional tarot deck, the Wheel of Fortune, represents a cycle of success. If you are not seeing this flow of new growth and opportunities immediately, be patient, It may come in small doses for now, but it is just the beginning. Soon you will be in full control of this auspicious time. You may have to wait a couple of weeks to see your seeds completely blossom. Just remember you deserve to be showered with happiness and prosperity. Open your arms and receive these blessings. A positive shift is happening. Enjoy how it feels and celebrate this wonderful turn of events all in your favor.
A flow of abundance is heading in your direction. This may come in the form of money, ideas, love, job opportunities or any other new venture. This new venture might come unexpectedly through a chance meeting or phone call with someone who is in a position to help you. The fact that this wave is plural means you are on a winning streak. Success over success will come your way. Finally, the doors of opportunity are swinging open. This has a positive effect on your self-esteem. You will receive a boost of self-confidence and optimism toward your future. Realize that these waves mean that there is no need to fear that it will dry up. You are now surfing an "ocean of abundance." The message here is to release all thoughts or beliefs that you are limited in any way. If your ego is telling you that you are anything but powerful, creative, and significant then you have to quash those thoughts or feelings immediately. Write down these beliefs and/or fears, if needed, and then place them in a bucket of water to cleanse them away. Now, replace them with more positive ones. Then visualize yourself as if you are already living this dream. Make it count! Now is the time to think and visualize BIG dreams. Leave the smaller ones and the steps to achieving these dreams to Source. Trust your intuition to guide you on your path to realizing this dream. Remember, you are the creator of your reality. Are you being tempted by the physical world and its pleasures? This card is a reminder to look at any addictions or limitations you are placing on yourself. In the traditional tarot deck this is the Devil card usually depicting a man and woman controlled by strings. Do you feel disconnected from Divine Source? If so, this is why you are turning to artificial pleasures to obtain the same spiritual connection. This might come in the form of food, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, or co-dependent behaviors toward work or relationships. Just remember that all these forms originate from fear. Face your fears, reconnect to Source, and lose the addictive behavior. The sun is shining over you today. You have built a very strong foundation through hard work and now it is paying off. Before you are the fruits of your labor. Open your hands to receive everything you deserve. The number nine denotes completion. You have come to the culmination of all you have sowed. You have now mastered whatever you have worked on. Enjoy what you are now receiving. Happiness and joy surround you and your bounty. This card represents the physical realm so all your earthly desires are there for you; food, shelter, money. The struggling has ended and you are now in a cycle of abundance. Lady luck is shining down on you today. This cycle of change flows in your favor. Open your arms to receive the gifts from all that you have worked hard for in the past. This is your time to reap the rewards from the seeds you have sowed. This could be from a creative project, a new love relationship or a career promotion. Since this Wheel of Fortune card,as it is referred to in the traditional tarot deck, is next to the Love Begins card, wherever the wheel stops, you are guaranteed to love it.This is an auspicious time. Opportunities that seemed impossible to reach or obtain are now possible. This new love opportunity whether physical, spiritual or emotional brings forth the energy of joy and confidence.Spin the wheel and revel in the outcome.
September 2022
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