You may win this fight, but is it worth it in the long run? In the process, you may just lose your friends over something trivial. In this case, being happy might be more important than being right. Dust yourself off and walk away.
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp
Yes! You made the right decision. Now you can see clearly what you weren’t able to see before. When you don’t know which option is the right one, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and ask the Universe to assist you. Pay attention to what comes to mind. Your third eye will open when your physical eyes cannot see the solution.
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp You have tricked yourself into thinking that you don’t deserve the best for yourself. It’s not about whether you have been a good or bad person. It’s the thoughts that fill your mind. If all you think about are the things you couldn’t, wouldn’t, and/or shouldn’t have done, you leave no room for the higher vibrational thoughts like joy, bliss and happiness to create what you want. No need to fret over limiting thoughts. Reprogram your brain waves and allow for new positive experiences in your life. Everyone deserves that.
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp Only you can decide what it is you really want to do. Take some time alone to meditate so the answers you seek will come through your own intuition. If you’re unhappy, change it. Choose something you truly want to do.
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp You are a beautiful soul. Allow this energy to project out into the world. In order to do that, you have to believe that you exude all the colors of the rainbow. And like this natural phenomenon, your vibrant state is organic. There is no force needed. Just smile and allow it to seep out slowly until you can’t hold it back any longer. How can you not love that?
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp A higher perspective is needed in this situation. This vantage point will allow you to see things more clearly. When your heart and mind are balanced you will make better decisions for your highest good and others. Are you brave enough to be yourself?
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp No matter how much you try to control or manipulate the outcome it will forever remain just beyond your reach. This situation requires a complete trust in the process. Surrender fully to this and the result. You will discover that when you force matters you are actually limiting yourself. When you allow for infinite possibilities you may be surprised by an outcome way beyond your wildest imagination.
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp Sound is a powerful energy, especially in music. You are asked to play that instrument you left abandoned in the corner and allow the energy to uplift your vibrational frequency. If your musical instrument is your voice, then sing! Accept you are a gifted musician or vocalist and share it with the world.
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle app) by Caroline Redekopp Don’t let your ego get the best of you. Your ego tries to tell you you’re not good enough so that you get caught up in negative thinking. Snap out of it See things differently and soon the weight of the world will lift from your shoulders.
Pick-a-Number Oracle (Number Oracle on the app store) by Caroline Redekopp Happy Summer Solstice!
You need a ‘me’ day. Don’t feel guilty about taking some time for yourself. You have been working far too much and deserve to treat yourself. Go to a spa, buy something you’ve always dreamed about, or take a mini-vacation. It’s important to slow down to take care of you. Pick-a-Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp |
September 2022
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