![]() "This card represents emotions, sensitivity, and a reminder that nothing in life is at a standstill -- this is a world of constant flux, and one thing is certain: Everything changes. This card is calling you to action; the time is now when you may have to face your worst fears and look into the dark shadows of your soul. You must learn to confront what you've avoided and walk courageously through it. Always know that life naturally revitalizes itself and as it does, so do you. The Shadow Card promises that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Recognize that by no longer denying your past and letting the tears fall, you'll discover the diamonds in the treasure chest of your soul. This is a cleansing process to wash away and clear out what was once avoided, ignored, or pushed aside. This card indicates that this is a time when your psychic sensitivity may be quite intense. Learn to open up to it or if need be....to turn it down. Your body is one big psychic antenna, so just remember that you're in control of how high or low you want the reception to be . Mother Earth can assist you in this peiriod of change, sensitivity, and healing. Traditional tarot archetype: The Moon (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland)
![]() "Each and every journey begins with the all-important first step. When this card presents itself in your reading, it's confirming that it's time for you to take a brave leap of faith -- but be prepared as you do so. This card represents that a great new adventure is awaiting you. It usually shows up when there's a significant inner change happening within you. By selecting this card, it's a sign that those important choices are needed and are about to be made and should be carefully pondered as you proceed with wisdom, thought, and care. Life is constantly trying to nudge and move you forward. At times, it can be daunting when you're faced with a new adventure or direction; therefore, it calls for inner belief and courage as you take that leap of faith and step into the unknown. Durng this time, don't be alarmed if you feel lost or even confused. Most people are afraid of change and play it safe by staying where they are. Know that through inner guidance, wisdom, and a belief in yourself -- and by tapping into these tools -- you'll be propelled forward on a positive, life-changing path. Don't conform to what society or other infividuals expect of you at this time. It's your own adventure. During this time, be like an innocent child with fresh eyes; and give yourself permission to live, play, love, and above all, laugh. Traditional tarot archetype: The Fool (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) ![]() "Color: Orange Sound: Vam Element: Water Glands: Testicles, Ovaries Key Words: "I want" Known as the Sacral Chakra, the second chakra is located two fingers below your navel and relates to emotions, desires, creativity, and sexuality. To keep this chakra balanced and its energy flowing, try dancing -- moving your hips and lower abdomen. Use a color meditatiion, and practice yoga. Express your sexuality and nurture yourself; and remember, you do matter! (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) ![]() "This card confirms that what you've been building is now firmly established with a strong and solid foundation. You deserve this, and it's time for you to harvest the rewards for your efforts. What you sowed, you now can reap. Be open to receive, as you've worked hard and have given so much. Allow the Universe to give a little back to you, for there has to be an even exchange of giving and receiving in order to prme the pump of gratitude and reinforce the law of attraction. Using the more traditional meaning in tarot, this card represents a period for celebration, peace , and prosperity. It may also imply a marriage or the buying of land or a new home. As you enjoy this time of relaxation that you so deserve, know that nothing remains stagnant and the winds of change are always at your door." (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) ![]() "A sudden, usually unforseen, disruption or major change is happening or is about to take place. Even if it appears to be a negative experience, it can lead to enlightenment or a total shift in your lifestyle. In traditional tarot meanings, this card represents the "falling tower" that eventually crumbles due to its weak foundation. Whichever part of your life you focus on, this is an opportunity to rebuild with a solid, positive structure to make you or the situation even stronger. There are times when the most difficult situations arise in your life. If you chose to, they can act as a catalyst to heal other areas. They're beneficial because they're truly your greatest teachers. Learn from past mistakes, accept them, and integrate them into your life as stepping-stones. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This Disruption Card is a reminder that negative thinking, limiting beliefs, ignoring problematic situations, and risky or careless lifestyles must be addressed so that positive changes can take place. Life has a habit of moving you forward whether you're ready or not. Transformation of body, mind, and soul can happen. If you view this dramatic time or change as an opportunity for growth. In the future, you may look back and be thankful for this opportunity. Traditional tarot archetype: The Tower (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) ![]() "This card signifies a time when you may experience stagnation, discontent, and boredom. Feelings of restlessness and impatience surround you. A relationship, project, or situation isn't moving forward fast enough and could be drainiing you emotionally and energetically. You're longing for change -- and although one door may be closing, don't focus all of your energy on it, as opportunity will soon knock. A window or another door could quickly open, and if your attention and awareness isn't focused, you could easily miss it. Watch for synchronistic events that bring books, speakers, workshops, and new people into your life. Any of these could possibly hold a message for you. Have faith in divine timing, and know that everything changes for a reason. This card acts as a reminder that it's a perfect time to reevaluate and search within your heart and soul for fresh insights." (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) ![]() "You're a true artisan, for you have the craft, skills, knowledge, gifts, and talents to assist you even more to advance in a positve direction. The number 8 always denotes prosperity and abundance, but in this case it's your efforts that have gotten you to this point. Good for you! This card often comes forth to honor and recognize individuals who are in the fields of art, design, music, and education. When you follow and build on your passion, the soul can truly express itself and can then assist you to move closer toward your highest good. An opportunity could suddenly come up with an offer for an apprenticeship. Notice if there are areas of passion that are trying to manifest into your world. When they arise, you'll have ample moments to share them with others." (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) ![]() "As your body becomes stronger, you begin to feel stronger in all ways." "The fairies know the importance of physical activity -- they play, dance, and run around daily to keep themselves in good physical shape. Moreover, they know that exercise is the secret to lasting energy, health, and happiness. It's a wonderful stress reducer that can improve every area of your life, including your career, finances, and relationships. You drew this card because your body is crying out for cardiovascular or muscular stimulation. If you ask the fairies, they'll help you find the time and motivation to exercise in fun ways. Additional meanings for this card: Do something physical today. Take a cue from the fairies and take dance lessons. Exercise outdoors in nature to benefit from the fresh air and sunshine (as well as increasing your connection to the fairies!). Do yoga, tai chi, or other Eastern exercise techniques. Exercise with your children or other loved ones. Join a sports team to meet new friends. Say positive affirmations to, and about, your body." (pulled from the Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle deck by Doreen Virtue) ![]() "Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies." "You're a giver, and you help others in so many ways. Most of the time, you truly enjoy giving. So, when you let others give to you, they experience the joy of giving. You give them a gift each time that you're a gracious receiver. By receiving, you replensish yourself and balance the male and female energies within and around you. By allowing yourelf to receive, you swim in the flow of life, which washes away stagnant energy, bringing in new forms of abundance, creative ideas, and all types of opportunities. Even the simplest act of receiving is healing, and it is a powerful step in the manifestation process." (pulled from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle deck by Doreen Virtue) ![]() "Good luck and fortune are now in your favor. A cycle of change, success, and growth is imminent. Life ebbs and flows in its natural journey, and the Destiny Card signifies that good karma has come full circle -- Lady Luck is pointing directly at you. What you sowed, you're about to reap. Open up your heart, and accept and receive what you've earned. Opportunities, whether expected or unexpected, are knocking at your door. This is a time to allow your problems to be replaced by solutions. Believe in destiny as you learn to let go of old issues. You're being given the chance to understand the lessons and gain the wisdom from the past, enabling you to move steadily forward in a positive direction. Holding on to a strong belief that you deserve to be happy and prosperous and have abundance in all areas of your life is the key. This confident mind-set will show you that the impossible can indeed become the possible. With this card, take advantage of all opportunities! Act now, take responsibility for your actions, and enjoy the fact that destiny is presently in your favor. Don't always rely on luck, however, for the wheel most definitely will turn again. Traditional tarot archetype: Wheel of Fortune" (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) |
September 2022
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