![]() The opening of the Third Eye Chakra is having the ability to see beyond what the physical eyes can see. It is located between the eyebrows just above the base of the nose. When it is balanced we experience clear thought, wisdom, and clairvoyance (inner seeing) or psychic energy. We receive these insights in our mind's eye through a symbolic language which we then can translate to apply to our outer world. In other words, we can access our higher selves for guidance or tap into universal truths for deeper meanings in our lives. You have the ability to see and understand what you see because both sides of your brain, the creative and the analytical are balanced. The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the color of indigo, the sound of OM, the element of Light and the pituitary gland. To balance this chakra practice visualizations through meditations.
![]() Expect an awakening of some sort. Realize that you have all the tools you need to manifest change in your life. You are the Magician. You have the power to make things happen. What is it that you desire? Think about it, feel it, and know that it is done. Are you planning on making some changes in your life? Now is the time to set your plan in motion. Believing you have the ability to create your own reality is all you need. You have extensive powers beyond what you have ever imagined. Remove any boundary you currently have and use your imagination to create exactly what you envision. Lift your metaphysical wand and start orchestrating your life your way. This is not to create the life your parents, friends, or family want for you. It is the life you want for you. Have fun throughout the process because positive thoughts and emotions are the power behind your wand. Channel Merlin! ![]() Be open to networking today. This card shows that you will work with others to achieve your goals. This help could come in the form of a group project, the assistance of one person or working with your spouse or significant other. It also means that you will now start to see creative projects start to prosper with the help of others. Perhaps you will be brainstorming with others on some new ideas or pooling resources for future endeavors. When working with others keep in mind that the flow of energy must go back and forth so that nobody is depleted by giving too much. Success is meant for all the parties involved. The help you might receive might not come in a physical form either. You might have someone from the spirit world assisting you. Just know that you are not alone on this journey. You will be surrounded by an abundance of support. ![]() You have a lot on your mind these days. All this thinking has made it almost impossible to move forward in your life. This inability to take action or make a decision is causing you to doubt yourself. This decision may have something to do with your family, your career or money. Just know that you do have the strength and the courage to move forward with confidence and make the right choice. Once you set your mind to this choice you will find the resolution you are seeking. There is always help out there if you need it. Listen to wise counsel then trust yourself to make the right decisions and you will find the relief you need. Worry and fear lowers our vibration. When our vibration is low we are unable to create what we want. Instead, we tend to create what we don't want because that is what we are focused on. Snap out of your monkey brain cage and trust that everything in your life is as it should be. ![]() A seed you planted in the past is now ready to give birth. This could be a creative project, thought, healing, prosperity, a new job, the birth of a baby, or anything that promises new growth. In the traditional tarot deck this is the Empress card. She represents nurturing, compassion, and a gentle approach. When dealing with others today use this feminine approach and relationships will prosper. Accessing your feminine side is about accessing your creativity. You can express this creativity through dance, drama, painting, or any other form of art. Acting from this loving space creates an ideal environment for growth. This is also a great opportunity to spend some time with Mother Nature. Take advantage of this holiday Easter Sunday to be outdoors with your family. Take a nice Sunday drive or walk. This is a wonderful time for family to come together in a loving space. ![]() We see a man weakly, almost tumbling, down a set of stairs. On the wall he leans onto we see naked forms of others moving upward in motion. At the bottom of the stairs we see a lone lit candle. This card represents events in our life that might feel out of our control. Perhaps not taking action or avoiding something in our life has caused this missed opportunity. It's like taking three steps forward and five steps back. However, the lit candle at the bottom gives us hope. Here we have an opportunity to learn and change from this experience. You might be tempted to battle with others, but at what cost? The outcome will not bode well for both parties. Sometimes, the best course of action is to walk away. Tread carefully today. A soft approach is the best one. ![]() This card means that you have many choices in front of you in order to obtain your goal, but you are not focused enough to make the right decision for you. On the positive side, this could mean that you are presented with a lot of opportunities. However, it might feel like the decision to choose which path to take is out of your control. This is not the case. You have the power to decide how your life will unroll. The best thing to do at this time is sit quietly, visualize your goal, and ask your higher self which is the best option. This is not a time to bow down to pressure from others or take advice from those who are not educated or experienced in what you are asking about. There is no rush. Weigh the pros and cons if that is the method that makes you feel most comfortable before making decisions. When one option feels right in your gut then it is time to choose. Only you are responsible for the decisions made in your life. Once you take the time to focus you will feel confident in making the right choice. ![]() Lady luck is back and she's smiling down on you. It's your turn to reap the rewards from all your effort. In the traditional tarot deck this is the Wheel of Fortune card. Life can throw you good times or bad times. In this case, the wheel is spinning in your favor. Despite any challenges you might be facing, they will disappear and be replaced by laughter and fun. This is the Universe's way of letting you know that things are getting better. You have been given a reprieve. Enjoy the upswing and go with the flow. This is a time to stay optimistic and have faith that the Universe is helping you with your situation. Bet on yourself and Lady Luck will answer your call. Fate and destiny are on your side. If you are feeling 'lucky' today, you are. Expect a miracle, and guess what, fortunate events will start to happen. New options may present themselves to you. Consider the best outcome, spin the wheel, and jump for joy when it is inevitable to land you as the victor. ![]() Grab the reins of life and charge forward. Whatever you are facing, you have the power to overcome it because you are in control of your life if you hop on that horse and guide it to your destiny. This is about focusing on your end goal then applying the discipline and hard work to achieve this outcome. By taking charge of your life, you will be victorious. Once you achieve this goal, your ability to meet other challenges will become much easier until all obstacles will seem like small little bumps in the road. This is the Chariot card in the traditional tarot deck. Steer your chariot in the direction you want it to go so that you don't veer off onto another path. Now is not the time to let someone else drive. You need to be in the driver's seat, but that doesn't mean you have to take this ride alone. Seek advice from others, but always remember you are the one holding the reins, you decide which path to take. Trust in yourself. Your chariot will win the race. |
September 2022
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