"The angels are addressing and assisting you with your romantic needs. Ask for and accept the angels' help with your love life." "This card signifies that the angels have heard your appeals for romance. They acknowledge your heart's yearnings for love. They have received and answered your requests. Now you will work in concert with the angels to manifest the romance you are seeking. The angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish. For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination. The angels' guidance may ask you to engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars. Follow the guidance, and you will discover the romance you are seeking." (pulled from the Healing with the Angels oracle deck by Doreen Virtue)
The Ace of Hearts represents happiness. A letter or invitation will soon arrive. The Ace signifies a beginning since it is the number one card. This could relate to the start of a new relationship whether it is romantic love, a friendship or business relationship. Hearts represent love and friendships. On the negative side, you could have a disagreement or quarrel with a loved one. What you choose depends on your perspective and state of being.
"The love you have shared is eternal, regardless of the situation." Various meanings of the card: Love from your romantic partner is eternal, regardless of outward appearances. You're healing from a breakup. You're healing from some other type of loss. Let go of an old relationship to make room for a new one. The love that you send into the world is an important part of your Divine purpose. Your deceased loved one is happy and sends you love." (pulled from the Goddess Guidance oracle deck by Doreen Virtue) Sometimes we meet someone in this lifetime whom we have a very strong connection to and mistake that connection for romantic interest. If you were to pull this card when asking about this person, it would signify that you had a past life together which would account for the strong connection you feel. But it might not mean you are meant to have that kind of relationship in this lifetime. Pulling this card can also signify that someone close to you who has passed is wanting to give you a message. Take some time to meditate today to connect with this person and see if you can get a better understanding of what he/she would like you to know. This person might just want to send their love to heal your heart from the loss. You might need time to grieve the loss, but know that this connection is never lost. Get out of your own way. Drop the walls you carry that protect you from past and present pain. Today is an opportunity to let others see who you really are; a beautiful, vibrant being. Let your hair down. Think less of what others think of you and more about connecting to your true essence. What makes your heart sing? There is no need to put on a show. Today is all about just being. You are enough. (pulled from the Love Your True Colors oracle deck by Outi Harma www.outiart.com)
"You understand animals and communicate with them intuitively. Trust your inner guidance, as the animals are part of your life's work." Taking care of animals is just as important as caring for our human friends. If you have pets, this is a message to take some time today to care for them more than usual. Perhaps they are showing signs that they need medical attention, need extra play time, or need tending to in general. If you don't have pets, you might be called upon to attend to someone else's pets, volunteer at your local animal shelter, or you are suitable for a career involving the care and/or training of animals. Perhaps an animal will cross your path today to give you a message, or an animal that has crossed over to the other side wishes to reconnect with you spiritually. Open your senses to this call. (pulled from the Life Purpose oracle cards by Doreen Virtue) The Bee "invites us to celebrate. You may have a special reason for celebration, or you may simply need to celebrate the wonder and mystery of being alive. In the Druid tradition there are occasions to celebrate every six weeks or so. As human beings, we need times when we can come together to enjoy each other's company. The bee tells us that we can live together in harmony, however impossible this may sometimes seem. By being at one with the natural world by paying homage to the sun, by centering our lives around Spirit or the Goddess, we can work together in community." Reverse meaning: "Do you feel out of place - unsure of your role in the world? A beehive functions harmoniously because each bee knows its role - consequently, it is highly productive and plays an imporatnt part in the local ecology. If you lack motivation, or feel isolated from the community that surrounds you, think about your role in life and make dicisions in accordance with your sense of purpose and the goals you wish to reach. Remember that the bee knows the value of organization, of paying homage to the Goddess and the sun, and of working hard. Remember, too, that she calls us to a celebration of life and an inner recognition of our membership of the community of all Nature." (pulled from The Druid Animal oracle deck by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm and illustrated by Bill Worthington) "This card encompasses all aspects of being Divinely nurtured and supported. It calls to allow the full flow of Loving energy within you, to nurture and support you. This spiraling healing energy is available to you at all times. It surrounds you and embraces you. You are never alone on your journey. You are always supported and cared for. This nurturing feminine energy calls you to her arms. Rest with her for a while. Let her soothe your heart, heal your wounds and guide you gently and lovingly onto your path." (pulled from the Path of the Soul Destiny Cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish)
This card reminds me of a mother figure, who will be there to comfort you when life does not give you want you want at the moment or does not progress as you would like. She is there to tell you that everything will be okay and not to harden your heart to any future opportunities. Just because this event did not turn in your favour does not mean that there is not another one right behind it that will make your heart sing. So, take comfort in Mother's arms for today, for tomorrow will bring something far more exciting! "Your prayers are manifesting. Remain positive, and follow your guidance!" "Good work! You've been asking and praying for some big dreams to come true.. and it's working! Just like a gardener who has planted new seeds, you must have faith that your crops will push above the surface. Keep watering your dreams by taking the steps that make them flourish. This is a precious time for you and your dreams. You don't have to strain or push to make them come true. You've already accomplished the major part of manifestation by asking and prayng. Trust that Heaven is helping you -- just like a best friend would if you asked for their assistance. Your job is to have faith, listen for Diviine guidance, and take action whenever you're guided." (pulled from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle deck by Doreen Virtue) "The first of the Mental Cards signifies that new beginnings and exciting challenges may be before you. By utilizing your strength, willpower, determination, and focus, there's the potential for you to to reign triumphant in many areas of your life. In traditional tarot this card represents the Ace of Swords; and since a sword is double edged, it can cut through all the barriers that hold you back if it's done constructively and with precision. Remember that there's another side to the blade. If you're rash or use it in a destructive way, it could be harmful to yourself and to others -- always pause and think before you act. This card is a reminder to vanquish negative thoughts from your mind, strengthen and tap into your mental powers, and use clarity with control in order to initiate new ways of thinking. (pulled from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland) |
September 2022
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