Have you noticed your dreams becoming more vivid? The Dreaming card reminds you that your dreams are important to your spiritual development. If you are needing some direction in your life the answers may be found while you are sleeping. If you find you are unable to recall the messages, advice or guidance presented during this dreamtime state then ask before you go to bed that you are able to remember your dreams when you wake. Have a pen and notepad or recording device next to your bedside so that you can write down or record the details while they are still fresh in your mind. You may find you are receiving a lot of intuitive messages during this time because your body and mind are in a relaxed state and unobstructed from daily distractions. Dreams also provide you with a healing opportunity. Perhaps you are working through issues you may have with your parents, friends, yourself. Dreaming is a celestial realm that is magical for our well being. Enjoy this night time journey. Meditation during the day may also assist you strengthen your ability to recall your dreams.
There is a time for action and then there is a time to wait. This is a time to wait. The Wait card reminds you that you will be far more successful if you hold off on making any important decisions at this time or moving forward on a project. There is a good reason for this delay. There may be a better opportunity for you, but if you take this one you will miss it. Trust in divine timing for the right opportunity to come your way. If you are feeling nervous and anxious during this time, meditate. We tend to hold our breathes during stressful times. Meditation helps us re-balance through a stressful period through deep connection to our inner voice and by releasing worries from our body through deep breathing. You will know in your gut when to finally move forward again. Take this time to rest so you are ready when that better option presents itself. The Worthiness card reminds you to look at old patterns or beliefs about yourself. If you feel that you are unable to manifest certain things it could be that you are blocking it because you feel deep down that you don't deserve them. Remember that manifestations are a form of love. They are not rewards for good behavior. It's important to allow others to help you. You must first receive and then you can give to others. Are you having trouble receiving? All you have to do is open your arms and graciously accept this act of love. Accepting this gift is good for everyone. Everyone is worthy of love. The Waves of Prosperity card signifies a constant flow of new opportunities and prosperity. You may notice people entering your life who want to assist you in increasing your financial status through new ventures. This might come in unexpected ways. For example, you bump into someone in the elevator or at a coffee shop who just happens to need your talents. This is a time where the doors of opportunity fly open. All you have to do is walk through them. You are on a winning streak. Ride wave after wave of prosperity for as long as possible. This is a wave that continues to roll. Enjoy this positive turn in your finances. The flow is here to stay. Time for you to receive with confidence and gratitude. Everything is turning up gold today! Whatever you place your thoughts on today will be successful. Like the alchemist who can turn ordinary base metals into gold you can turn any project into a lucrative venture. This in turn creates blessings and prosperity for everyone involved. This magical energy is well deserved. The Universe is showering you with a huge gift. Open your arms and accept its riches. The Debt Paid Off card signifies a positive change in your financial situation. New streams of income will be presented to you which will lift the weight of debt from your shoulders. You will also discover new ways to reduce unnecessary expenses. You have made a conscious decision to be debt free and the Universe is responding to work with you in manifesting your desire. New spending habits will assist in the process. Your efforts to release old money patterns or beliefs have paid off. An investment is paying off now. If you have invested your time and effort into a project, this card also signifies that those efforts are rewarded now. You deserve this influx of cash flow. Use it wisely. The Set Your Sights Higher card reminds you that you are settling in your life. This is not a time to compromise. You deserve much better. If you have been rationalizing a situation in your life that is not for your highest good, it's time to let it go and reach for better. What is it you truly desire? Follow your heart and reach for the stars. You deserve that and more. It may be intimidating to move up another rung in the ladder to success, but it is well deserved and you have the skills to reach the top. Don't doubt yourself. Keep moving forward. You are more ready than you realize. When the Third Eye Chakra card pops up it's a reminder to open your intuitive channels or psychic center for the answers you seek. We all have this ability, however, some moreso than others only because it is used more frequently. The sixth chakra is located between the eye brows and just above the bridge of the nose. When this chakra is balanced we are able to see in the past and future. It is also referred to as your sixth sense or having clairvoyant ability. However, if it is unbalanced, it will physically affect your vision, eyes, nose, throat, nervous system, brain and pituitary gland. If you feel you need re-balancing, you can practice meditating, lie down with a crystal placed on your third eye, yoga, Tai Chi, color therapy with Indigo, and/or breathing exercises. The Joyous card signifies an opening of the heart chakra. You are healing your heart to allow a deeper and more spiritual connection which will bring happiness and bliss. You have done the work of releasing old patterns and pain that had previously closed your heart to greater joy. Allow this new shift to connect you with your inner child and see the world with a renewed sense of awe. This is a beautiful life you have. See how incredible it is and enjoy its blessings. Path of the Soul Destiny Cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish Time for a play date with someone you love or someone you want to get closer to romantically. It's time to let out your playful side. Perhaps you have been working too hard and now it's time for fun and laughter. The energy that you bring forth in this state will assist in relaxing you and attracting new love your way. If you are now ready to let someone new enter your heart, allow your radiance to shine out. This energy will positively draw others around you and create new opportunities. This is one of the best ways to attract romance into your life. If you are guided to attend a fun event, go! You might be surprised by who is there.
September 2022
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