Write yourself a big fat check! You have put in a lot of hard work and dedication into your craft and now it's time to be rewarded for all that effort. The Universe card signifies completion with great fulfillment. You now feel like you have the world in the palm of your hands. You see how you fit into this world and how vital a role you play. You can command the energy of the universe to do whatever your heart desires. Use this celestial magic to help yourself and others to shine as brightly as you do now. You are a star! Don't forget that.Your reality is opening up to a sparkling and bright future. You have the wisdom and the power to create it and you did. In the traditional tarot deck this is the World card. The student has now become the master. You have graduated with flying colors. Stand tall and accept your accolades.
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The message today is Patience. This coincides with Mercury going retrograde today in Virgo until September 21st/22nd, which affects all forms of communication and transportation. This is when moving parts break down or errors or misunderstandings occur in communication, which then causes chaos. For example, my truck broke down yesterday. Even though I didn't leave any lights on, the battery died. This might also affect computers and technology. Now is not the time to start something new. It is better to revisit something from your past. Re-examine what needs to be done to ensure growth in a project that you already started. In the next three weeks be patient with others especially when it comes to communications. Work on yourself until this period passes. This is a great time to tune in to yourself because your intuition will be heightened. Tapping into your intuition can ease the frustration caused by the outer chaos and assist you in dealing with these disruptions. In the traditional tarot deck this is the Temperance card. Temper your emotions when dealing with opposites. Finally, good news! If you have been waiting to receive approval on something important, or a job opportunity, or perhaps a check in the mail, today is your day. Can you hear the trumpet blaring? The announcement has been made. The Victory & Success card means you will finally get what you have been waiting for. Enjoy your place on the mountain's peak. The message here is that whatever you are working on will result in the best possible outcome. "Good news will come to you from far away." Fortune Cookie The Positive Movement Forward card represents a clear path to abundance and success. This is especially true for all artisans. Know that you have the skills necessary to move forward in your career. You are guided into the limelight and the path before you is calm and unobstructed. A sailboat cannot sail without your assistance. It is your hard work and effort that has brought you to this point. You have ignited the creativity within your soul and now you are outwardly expressing it. Watch as others recognize and appreciate your talent. You might even get an opportunity to work with a mentor who wants to bring your art to the world. The two messages indicate an opportunity from abroad could propel your career forward in a very auspicious direction. Sometimes those closest to you think they know exactly who you are and what you want. If you are not honest with yourself you could be influenced by these judgements. That is why it is important to know who you are. Take the time to tap into your true heart's desires. What brings you joy? Trust in the answers, but be honest. If you are deceiving yourself then the only person you truly hurt is you. Face your fears. Let others know the real you. People will accept you for who you really are if you do. If you are feeling stuck, the Explore Your Options card is letting you know that it's time to consider other options. You are reminded that anything in your life can be changed. If you were presented with three wishes what would you ask for? "Ask and ye shall receive." Anything is possible. Listen to your heart. What is it that you truly desire? Now is the time to imagine what your dream looks and feels like. Then take small steps or actions toward realizing that dream. Once you actually start to take physical action that energy moves into the Universe and begins to mold into what it is you desire. 775 "Congratulations on your willingness to change and improve your life. This is a wonderful transition that's bringing great blessings to you and others." Doreen Virtue, PH.D., Angel Numbers Marriage The Marriage card has many meanings. If it relates to business, it represents a contract signed or new partnership. This partnership might even relate to matchmaking of some kind. If it relates to a relationship, you are soon to marry. If you are already married, this card comes to you to assist with healing inside the union. It could also represent meeting someone significant enough that marriage could be an option down the road. You might even meet this person during the wedding celebration of another person. The two messages combined mean that the changes you are making in your marriage may either heal the union or provide both parties with an amicable ending, which will make way for a more suitable union. If you are single, the changes you have made within yourself will now attract a more suitable and life long partner. If you have made recent changes in your career, you can expect a new contract or partnership. Expect a great outcome either way. 536 "The ascended masters say that this change increases the flow of guidance and support you receive. Heaven is ensuring that your needs are supplied, especially during this transition time. Let go!" Doreen Virtue, PH.D. Angel Numbers 6 Victory & Success The Victory & Success card represents the bearer of good news. The trumpet bellows to announce your success. It is much deserved. You have worked hard to get to this mountain peak. The heavens are now fully open to you. Bask in its light. You have come out of a difficult time, victorious. You are a shining example to others who are now inspired by your triumphant journey. The two messages combined signify the heralding of a gift from the Universe for making the right life path choice. The changes you are now making have put you on the path to success. You can let go of any worries or stress about how to support yourself during this transition. You are fully supported. Stay on this path and your are guaranteed victory. 664 "Give any stress or material concerns to the angels. They're with you, and are ensuring that your needs are infinitely supplied." Doreen Virtue, PH.D. Angel Numbers Sekhmet - Be Strong Sekhmet signifies strength in body, mind and soul. She reminds you that you are capable of handling what is in front of you. Visualize yourself in your chair of power and know that you are powerful. You have the strength of two lions by your side. You are assured a happy outcome if you see yourself as victorious. When you see yourself in this light it will attract new opportunities, abundance and people in your life. Together, the two messages, assure you that you have the strength and power to achieve your desires. You may not be able to see that you are supported just yet, but you will. Stay the course and you will be rewarded. 391 "Continue to focus on the higher thoughts of love about your life mission. Ask the ascended masters for guidance and support for your purpose." Doreen Virtue, PH.D., Angel Numbers The Surrender & Release card is asking you to let go of anything in your life that is no longer working for you. If you are unhappy in any part of your life, such as your finances, relationships, career, home, etc., trust that by surrendering and releasing these parts it will create a space for someone or something better to come in. If you hold on tightly then it will just get worse until the Universe will eventually rip it from your hands for your own good. Fear is usually the driving force behind holding onto parts of our life that are not good for us. By letting go, we allow something better to come in or for that part to heal. Now is not the time to control the outcome. Let go! These messages combined signify that you have discovered your higher purpose or mission in life and that old aspects of your life will now fall away to make room for this more suitable life path. The changes may seem disruptive, but you will be much happier in the long term. |
September 2022
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