“Card Meaning: Meditate on your heart’s desire. Rearrange your schedule so that you’re spending time in ways that are truly meaningful to you. Sometimes it’s difficult to know what you truly desire. You have so many outside influences, as well as personal fears, tugging at you, demanding, “Pay attention to me!” You wait for a free moment that you could devote to your dreams, goals, and aspirations. Yet that moment never seems to arrive. The fairies ask you to take charge of your schedule. First they ask you to meditate on your heart’s desire. Make a list of five priorities in your life. Then, write down a schedule — in ink — so that you’ll spend the necessary time engaged in these activities. It’s not important what you specifically do during these times; what’s most important is that you invest time and energy in that which makes you happy and fulfilled. Affirmation: I deserve the best. I take charge of my schedule and my life.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
“Card Meaning: You have manifested a new sense of abundance in your life. Any financial blocks have successfully been removed, and you are now in the flow of increased prosperity. Congratulations!
Your finances are moving up to a new level. You have been praying for increased flow and have been visualizing greater wealth. Your positive thoughts and desires have resulted in a rich vein of abundance coming your way. This good fortune not only applies to money, but also to increased opportunities in your personal and professional life. The fairies, who are supreme experts in manifestation, advise you to keep a positive and joyful heart as you eperience your wonderful new state. Continually affirm, “I graciously accept good into my life right now” and “I deserve abundance.” If you find that this financial flow ever becomes interrupted, ask the fairies to help you adjust your thoughts and emotions so you can graciously and willingly accept all of the gifts that you so richly deserve. Affirmation: I am financially secure. I am supported abundantly today, and every day in my future.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: You are making big breakthroughs in your life by putting your Divinely inspired ideas into action. Trust that you are guided each step of the way.
Those gut feelings, dreams, and strong impulses you’ve been getting aren’t just impulses of wishful thinking. They represent the germination of new projects and situations that are vehicles for your Divine life mission. Don’t ignore these gifts from heaven, which come on the wings of repetitive, strong thoughts and feelings. The fairies ask you to honor you inner feelings by taking at least one step today in the direction of making your dreams and desires a reality. Fearlessly take one step to dismantle any part of your life that is out of integrity. Take another step toward realizing your heart’s desire. Even a tiny step that is remotely related to improving your life will make you feel that you’re soaring with the fairy realm. Keep taking one step a day, and soon your dreams will be a reality. Affirmation: I move forward fearlessly, trusting that each step I take is prerfectly guided.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Trust and patience are needed at this time. You still have a few more steps to take before reaching your goal. The Universe is working behind the scenes while you take action. When the time is right, your desire will manifest.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp “Card Meaning: Keep up your hopes, dreams, affirmations, visualizations, and prayers, as they will be wonderfully manifested right now. Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle occurs!
You’ve planted the seeds of manifestation with your positive thoughts and emotions. Yet, you may be discouraged occasionally because you aren’t seeing immediate results. You start to have pessimistic thoughts and wonder whether your faith is unjustified. Hold on to your faith, though! Although your manifesttion is taking longer than you’d hoped, it is coming to you. You certainly don’t want to cancel or cloud your manifestation with miscreations that come from negative thoughts. At your earliest convenience, go outside in nature - even a backyard or small park will do. Mentally converse with your friends, the fairies. They are absolute experts at manifestation! Tell them about your doubts, fears, and disappointments, as well as your hopes and dreams. Ask the fairies to help you release any negativity you may have, and feel them surround you with healing love and light. Affirmation: I am safe, confident, and secure. I feel joyful about my future.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: You need a break from routines and stressful situations. This card urges you to take time for yourself so that you can rest and renew.
The fairies take regular vacations, traveling to distant fairy glens. They know and respect the value of a change of scenery. By drawing this card, you are strongly counseled to do the same for yourself. A vacation doesn’t need to take a lot of time or money. Instead, it means getting away from mundane concerns and demands. Even one night at a local hotel, leaving your cell phone at home, can be therapeutic. Think of a vacation as an investment in yourself and future. All living beings need to rest in order to operate at maximum efficiency. After your vacation, your mood and energy levels will be renewed. You’ll have better access to creative ideas, and your positive demeanor will attract wonderful new people and opportunities into your life. Don't procrastinate when it comes to taking a vacation — make definite plans today. Affirmation: I give myself permission to regularly rest and relax, knowing that by being revitalized, I am happier and more productive.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. “Card Meaning: You are now allowing yourself to experience and express your true power. The fairies ask you to affirm, “It is safe for me to be powerful!” You have within you all of the power of the Universe. No one is more powerful than you. As a spiritually minded being, it’s impossible for you to misuse or abuse your power. Your guides will bring you opportunities to use and expand your power in ways that bring great blessings to you and the world. Heaven needs the lightworkers of the world, including you, to realize and utilize their power. By drawing this card, you’re being asked to release any fears you may have about being powerful. You’re asked to keep your self-esteem high by honoring yourself, taking excellent care of your physical and emotional self, working on your dreams and aspirations, and spending time in prayer and meditation. The higher your level of self-esteem, the more comfortable you will be with your power. Affirmation: It is safe for me to be powerful! I have all the power of the Universe flowing through me and supporting me.” Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Only you can decide what it is you really want to do. Take some time alone to meditate so the answers you seek will come through your own intuition. If you’re unhappy, change it. Choose something you truly want to do.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp Don’t be afraid to show people who you really are. It’s time to shed the old beliefs and patterns and embrace your true authentic self. This might cause concern to others around you, but know that when they see the beautiful soul that you are becoming, others’ opinions won’t matter, anymore.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp Your family life is improving, which makes for more harmonious connections with others. This trickles down into your love life where there is a mutual respect and a yearning to initiate a deeper relationship between you and another person. This might be the start of a beautiful love story.
Pick a Number Oracle by Caroline Redekopp |
September 2022
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